Our farm has two greenhouses which are used year round to provide a skill building environment for fun and learning. An agricultural training curriculum is implemented as a guide for teaching people the basics of planting, raising and harvesting simple crops.
Cultivating Dreams shares each harvest with those who helped to create it as well as a variety of local volunteer organizations. A portion of the chemically-free herbs and spices go to the Good Reasons company to help make their delicious all-natural dog treats.
On the farm sits a fully furnished house. It gives people a warm inviting atmosphere for peer socialization and to teach the life skills required to maintain a home, care for themselves and their personal belongings.
The house has a laundry facility, fully equipped kitchen, a computer center, bedrooms & baths.
Everyone deserves the chance to be part of an amazing group of people with common interests. Cultivating Dreams offers an opportunity to meet and spend leisure time with newly acquired friends.
Fresh air and exercise are a perfect blend for promoting wellness. Here at Cultivating Dreams, engaging outdoor activities are scheduled to promote health and fitness to the best of each person's abilities.
Our state of the art kitchen helps to teach basic meal preparation skills while learning about healthy choices.
Cultivating Dreams is home to a growing number of small pets. Learning to care for another living being teaches responsibility and gives people a sense of purpose.
“Our mission is to provide each individual the best possible quality of life through residential and community based opportunities. Our strong compassionate culture demands that all decisions be made in the best interests of the individuals we serve.”

Cultivating Dreams is a fun, skill building experience available to people
being supported through
Community Based Services (CBS).
Set on a small farm in the heart of Dutchess County, Cultivating Dreams offers
a strong emphasis on
agriculture activities, pre-vocational skill building and community inclusion.
People have the opportunity for hands-on experiences gardening,
growing fruits and vegetables, and taking care of small animals. Our activities are designed to be meaningful and to provide each person with enhanced self-advocacy skills and a greater sense of purpose in the community.
For more information contact us either directly or fill out our contact form! We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Betty Rivadeneira
Director of Day Programs